The 2019 legislative session wrapped up late Monday night sparing the last 30 minutes of Sine Die for a joint session to honor House Speaker Mike Busch who died Sunday.
Death of The Speaker
Crossover - What's That?
Medical Examinations
County Food Bank
Consent Not Required?
Honoring 'Her-Story'
Campaign Finance Reform
End of Life Options
Decriminalizing Suicide
Explore Herstory
Hate Crime Bill
Blood Drive For Wendi
Proposed Legislation
Embracing The Process
The Kirwan Commission
Legislative Session 2019
Fund The Ambassadors
Thank you to Jeff Macris, Annapolis Education Commission, and County Councilwoman Lisa Rodvien, for testifying on Thursday before our superintendent and Board of Education in support of retaining and hiring seven temporary teacher assistants, aka, community ambassadors, based at Annapolis High School.
Game Changers
Opening Optimism
With spouses and children by their sides, Maryland’s 188 lawmakers were sworn into office Wednesday. The House of Delegates and state Senate held simultaneous ceremonies at noon on opposite sides of the State House. While lawmakers are expected to hash out tricky issues over the next 90 days, the first day was largely reserved for celebration and optimism.